
The Importance of Expert Legal Representation in Commercial Disputes

Commercial disputes can range from contractual disagreements to disputes over intellectual property rights, or a partnership gone sour.

Starting Anew: How Long After a Divorce Can You Remarry in Australia?

Beginning a new relationship after a divorce brings a whirlwind of emotions - from the anticipation of new beginnings to the fear of repeating the past. Yet, amidst all these feelings, one question stands out, “how long after a divorce can you remarry?” In Australia, the laws surrounding remarriage after divorce are clear, but navigating…

Child Custody Laws in Australia: What Parents Need to Know

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to family law in Australia, particularly in relation to issues concerning children. The first thing parents should know is that terms like child “custody” and “contact” are not used in Australian family law, instead these concepts falling under the umbrella term of “parenting matters.” Parenting…

What Not to Say in Child Custody Mediation: Expert Tips for a Successful Outcome

In divorce, matters involving children are often the most emotionally charged. However, despite the insurmountable differences between you and your ex, you share one thing in common: wanting to maintain a positive relationship with your children and giving them the best future possible. Child custody mediation is a proven way to resolve this aspect of…

Is It Essential to Hire a Sydney Family Law Specialist for My Case?

Separation can leave you feeling vulnerable and emotionally drained especially if a dispute arises with your former partner in relation to financial or parenting matters and you may feel overwhelmed at the idea of engaging a lawyer to assist you reach an agreement with your former spouse. It is important to engage a lawyer early,…
child custody

How to Best Navigate Child Custody Issues for Your Children

Undergoing a separation is not only an emotional time for you and your former partner, but also for your children. It often involves your ex delaying property settlement, not agreeing to a property settlement, refusing to pay child support or spouse maintenance and making demands in relation to parenting arrangements. This can cause arguments between separating…

Resolving Disputes Without Court: Exploring Litigation Alternatives

Whilst litigation can be an effective method to resolve a dispute, it is expensive, time consuming, stressful and often results in one “winner” and one “loser.”   Alternative dispute resolution offers alternative avenues to resolving disputes and refers to a range of processes where an impartial third party helps people resolve their disputes. In New South…
What Kind Of Issues Can Family Lawyers Help With?

Chatswood’s Legal Experts: How Our Lawyers Can Assist You

Our Legal Experts in Chatswood are skilled lawyers who will safeguard your rights, analyse the evidence, provide you with clear advice and develop a strong strategy. In the following article, we will provide an in-depth guide as to how our lawyers can help you with your legal matter. How Our Lawyers Can Help  If you…